May 22, 2024

Spring Surface Sampling and Drilling

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May 22, 2024

Spring Surface Sampling and Drilling

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Golden Rapture is pleased to report the completion of its Spring surface sampling program and the commencement of drilling at the Combined Mine area, Phillips Township Property, Rainy River District, NW Ontario. A total of 61 well-mineralized samples were sent to the lab last week, with assay results pending. These samples appear to be our best to date, and drilling has just begun, targeting high-grade gold deposits.

Priority Targets

Combined Mine:

  • Main Veins: Of main importance are four main veins (three steeply dipping & one large flat-lying up to 12 meters thick with 762 meters of strike length).
  • Infrastructure: The site includes seven shafts with some drifting, many trenches, pits, and documented visible gold.
  • Sampling Results: Recent Golden Rapture sampling has yielded results as high as 125.00 g/t Au.

Young’s Bay Occurrence:

  • Veins: This area has six parallel quartz veins, four of which have visible gold with 262 meters in strike length.
  • Historical Yield: In 1949, approximately 7.3 tonnes of material were taken from shaft #1 to a depth of up to 3.7 meters, yielding an impressive grade of 769.81 g/t Au.
  • Sampling Results: Recent Golden Rapture sampling has shown results as high as 204.00 g/t Au.

The property is a veritable treasure chest of forgotten golden opportunities, hosting an impressive eighteen mine shafts with historically and recently recorded visible gold. Of great significance is the fact that the majority of the gold-bearing systems also have parallel systems.

Golden Rapture’s exploration efforts this season aim to uncover the vast potential of both the Combined Mine and the Young’s Bay Occurrence. The company anticipates a steady stream of exciting assay results throughout the remainder of the year. Stay tuned for updates on this promising exploration season.

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